
So I actually, very nearly died

Writing this headline really gave me a chill. Last month, with what started off with a bit of a headache, turned into me eventually having a stroke, having half of my skull removed, and developing Ecephilitis.

Thankfully, it did not manage to take my life thanks to some excellent medical care and over a month of therapy and recovery in hospital - but I still have lasting effects, most notably a lot of lethargy I am still gradually fighting.

The support and love I have received during my recovery from eveyone, especially so from the Gunpla community and Zakuaurelius, who was kind enough to set me up with a gofundme has been compleetely overwhelming - and the positivity no doubt contributed a lot to my fast recovery in hospital which shocked many healthcare professionals.

So going back to the morbid title of the blog post…

Like many people…. I did not ever think I could become so ill so quickly, and it’s important to realise that I got ill, not through choices in lifestyle - but because I was unlucky. It really adds a spin to life in general that, don’t ever think you will always be fine as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle (but it does reduce the odds of some other horrible health issues of course), and there are some things that happen to you that you could not have avoided. Sounds bleak,I know, but what’s important I have found during this time is the power of positivity. Positivity, and powerful antiviral medicine and a metric ton of painkillers in my case got me up on my feet, even after losing control of my entire left side, and everything smelling and tasting like hot garbage (a side effect not mentioned much but its true and it’s gross) due to the stroke, it was peoples messages and my awesome, awesome wife and kids that got me up and about.

So, i’ll sign off here with a huge, huge thank you to everyone who sent me messages, arranged contests and sent me good vibes and continue to do so. You’re all wonderful. I will write some more about my experience again soon, there is a lot to talk about :)

All the best

GundamUK, very much alive.

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